Funny thing happened this weekend, well not just the one thing - but we'll get there in a bit. So, as I was saying before I interrupted myself, a funny thing happened this weekend: I started thinking (shock, horror, is the world coming to an end? And no, it doesn't hurt!) and questioning things I shouldn't be questioning because it just ends up with me running around in circles like a over-excited kid in an amusement park and then spending the next three weeks in a state of morose agitation and self-doubt which is pretty pointless an exercise.
It so happens that the great source of my consternation can be cleared up in a matter of moments, I just happen to be too lazy or too scared to actually address it - the scale of lazy or scared very much depending on my current caffeine level. So I best bite the bullet (the metaphor in this cliche is slightly more meaningful if you can guess the reason for the consternation), pull myself towards myself and really just address the bloody issue.
One of the other things that happened this weekend is I was able to catch up with some friends I hadn't seen in about six months - this is unacceptable, six months without meeting up, chatting over the phone or even emailing one another lit a fire under my posterior and I have made huge inroads into catching up with a great deal of my friends - and should you be one of them, my humblest apologies for being such a gormless idiot and not getting on this sooner. On the bright side though I was able to see one of my favourite cousins and have a good natter about quite a few things.
I worked pretty much the whole of yesterday, arriving at work at just before eleven in the morning and chipping away at a current project I'm enjoying emensely - leaving at just after ten in the evening to go home, on the way I managed to run out of petrol, and being that time of the month incidentally, no cash either! I ended up pushing my bike for seven kilometres, thought I best try to start it for good measure after the long push - lo and behold, it starts and I'm able to ride the rest of the way home which is approximately five kilometres further - so not out of petrol... Until I arrive fifty metres away from my security gate, this time completely out of petrol. It gave me a lot of time to think, reflect and mince my thoughts - needless to say, having to get up at four in the morning after arriving at quarter to twelve, and the depressing mood I'd endured during the afternoon and evening didn't leave me with warm cuddly notions to fall asleep to.
I seem to have woken up on the right side of the bed this morning, albeit with a few things still weighing heavily on my mind and made my way to work. Facebook first and a cup of coffee, to find out my ex-fiance is now married. This puts a huge smile on my face, knowing that she is happy now is strangely a great comfort. Just one of Life's little surprises I guess.
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