Monday, July 12

So - this blog thing's supposed to be umm, like regular?

It's been a while since I've blogged, duh! Well, I guess between being blocked at work, finding out I actually have a life and that I can run too - somewhere in the midst of it all I've happened to find love thrown in the mix too, I've been really lazy to just sit down and write.

This has to change if I'm to develop any sort of following - this obviously assumes you are reading my blog and have managed to get to this point already without hitting the back or random blog buttons already (for which I'm eternally grateful, well maybe not eternally but I'm sure you get the idea) and like what I write.

I should take the time to tell you a little of my comings and goings over the last month but I won't bore you, suffice to say that in the course of this week I'll post about my running experience, my first half marathon and how incredibly amazing Knysna is... I will, but just not tonight. I leave you with bated breath.

So till my next post, have fun.